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Multi-Layer Architecture Blog Graphic

4 min read

The Bedrock Architecture: Massive Breakthrough Efficiencies for Faster and More Accurate Data Security

You can’t manage what you can’t see. That’s the basic premise of much of Bedrock’s efforts to improve how organizations protect their data,...

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2 min read

Black Hat: Rocking the Status Quo for Data Security

We just wrapped up an amazing week at the Black Hat USA conference in Las Vegas. As the first Black Hat conference we’ve attended since...

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3 min read

My Next Chapter in Innovation Leadership: Pioneering Data Security at Bedrock

After thirteen years of bringing Sumo Logic from inception to public company, I took a year off. The timing for reflection was perfect, as...

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4 min read

Open-Source Classifiers: Limited Tools for Modern Data Security

Data security is a process of gaining increasing visibility and control over your data. As an essential first step, you must find your...

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3 min read

Policy Engine: Intelligence for Enforcing Comprehensive Data Security

Bedrock Security takes great pride in the unique abilities of our platform to find and classify data far faster, more efficiently, more...

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3 min read

Securing Generative AI: The Role of a Data Bill of Materials

At Bedrock we utilize generative AI models to classify enterprise data. While such models are groundbreaking in generating nuanced,...

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4 min read

Revolutionizing Data Security: How Bedrock’s AI-Driven Approach Empowers Businesses

In an era where data breaches dominate headlines and sensitive information is scattered across cloud platforms, the traditional approach to...

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3 min read

How Bedrock Security Protects Your Most Important Data

These days, security teams have a host of vendors and technologies to choose from to protect their data. But, surprisingly, most of these...

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4 min read

The Snowflake Breach: Reminders for Comprehensive Data Security

By now, most anyone concerned with data security has heard about the recently revealed security breaches on the Snowflake platform at...

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2 min read

Bedrock Security Makes a Splash at Its First RSA Conference

Bedrock Security’s first RSA Conference was one to remember. Most notably, Bedrock Security was named a top-10 finalist in the RSAC...

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6 min read

Inside AIR: A Look at What Powers the Bedrock Data Security Platform

Recently the team at Bedrock Security announced our comprehensive data security platform, designed to effectively manage data risk...

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Bedrock Platform

5 min read

Introducing Bedrock: Simplified Data Security for Today’s Cloud and GenAI Landscape

It’s not news to anyone that data has exploded. And the number of emerging companies and recent acquisitions are a strong indicator of the...

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